Student Enrolment Enrolment Forms School Tours School Zone Uniform
Preston West Primary School has a formal enrolment process. Students are automatically entitled to placement if we are your closest school (as the crow flies) or you already have another student enrolled at our school.
We maintain a ceiling on new enrolments as directed by the North-Western Region Victoria to manage the school's population and as such if you do not meet the above automatic entitlement you will be placed on a waiting list and ranked by your home's distance from the school (as the crow flies).
For more information see the Department of Education's Student Placement Guidelines.
You can also find more information about enrolling your child in a Victorian Government school at the Depatment of Education's Starting School Page.
Please note: No Prep enrollment applications for 2026 can be accepted until the commencement of Term 2.
Enrollment Forms can be downloaded from the link below or collected from the school's office. Returned applications can be delivered in person to the school office or emailed to the school email address: Please include a rates notice or rental agreement, two ultility bills and your certified copies of birth certificates and immunization documents.
Students will be sent an offer of placement in late August. Those students on our waiting list will be sent offers from early October onwards if places become available.
School tours for students who will be enrolling for 2026 are being held during Term 2. Tours are in a group format and are conducted by the Principal and Assistant Principal. Bookings will be opened from Monday, February 8th. Bookings can be made by selecting this link to Compasstix.
Our school zone is available on hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones for 2020 onwards.
Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.
The Department provides guidance through the School Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and the freedom to choose other schools, subject to facility limitations.
You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on the Department’s website under School zones.
The dress code at Preston West Primary School has been implemented by the School Council to create a sense of collective and individual pride in students’ identification with Preston West Primary School. In addition, a dress code provides parents/guardians with a cost effective way to outfit their children for school and also provides the school with a means by which student and group safety can be maintained when not in the normal school setting. The dress code is specific and compulsory and contains a ‘hats’ statement for Terms One and Four.
Children are expected to wear uniform. Where children are unable to comply with the dress code, some form of communication i.e., written or phone, from the parent/guardian explaining the reason will be expected.
All articles of clothing can be purchased via the PSW Uniform Shop - Unit 2, 283 Rex Road, CAMPBELLFIELD Vic 3061. Phone: 03 9768 0337. Online Sales
All of the clothing is interchangeable during summer and winter.
Shoes and socks should be appropriate for school activities. For safety reasons, thongs and open-toed footwear will not be permitted.
Where religious beliefs require head-covering, it should be white. Where necessary, other items of uniform may be adapted to a style appropriate to religious requirements but should be in the correct colours. Any variation from the prescribed uniform, for whatever reason (religious, cultural, health), needs to be negotiated and approved by the Principal.
Parents/Guardians have the option of making or buying similar items from other sources.
© Preston West Primary School